These were my resolutions or as I prefer to call then, goals for 2010.
1. Always topping my list - travel somewhere new!
YES! I traveled to Japan for 2 weeks in July 2010, visiting Tokyo, Takayama, Kyoto, Osaka, and Hiroshima.
2. Try and manage my grocery lists better...I always end up throwing produce away and I hate that.
2. Try and manage my grocery lists better...I always end up throwing produce away and I hate that.
YES! In late summer, we began subscribing to a bi-weekly CSA organic produce delivery, which helped me not only manage my produce better, but helped me focus on eating more locally and seasonally.
3. Keep my car cleaner, I don't mind cleaning house but I loathe cleaning my car (the inside at least).
3. Keep my car cleaner, I don't mind cleaning house but I loathe cleaning my car (the inside at least).
Eh...getting there. This might be a goal again in 2011...
4. Save more money. With all the end of year expenses I had owning a new house, my savings account has been pretty stagnant, and hasn't grown much. I'm hoping for it to increase once I get everything in order.
4. Save more money. With all the end of year expenses I had owning a new house, my savings account has been pretty stagnant, and hasn't grown much. I'm hoping for it to increase once I get everything in order.
YES! I'm have definitely improved on keeping my checking account balance constant, which in turn has helped me refrain from constantly pulling from my savings account. Result: saving more!
5. Take up a new hobby (horseback riding, sewing, the possibilities are endless...)
I took a sewing class in November 2010, and am looking forward to a few cooking classes in 2011!
5. Take up a new hobby (horseback riding, sewing, the possibilities are endless...)
I took a sewing class in November 2010, and am looking forward to a few cooking classes in 2011!
6. Try and visit my sister on study abroad
No, :( With planning my trip to Japan, it was just too expensive to get to both Japan and Australia.
7. Spend more time with family.
7. Spend more time with family.
YES! And I plan on repeating this goal again and again! Family time is the best!