1. The phrase or punctuation I overuse the most is... "Good times." Always a good segue-way to another topic, or a filler if a silence gets awkward.
2. Today I am thankful for... My students. The funny things they say keep my days interesting and exciting.
3. My best friend is...I have a few people in my life I consider my "best" friend. Among them, my fiance, and two friends I've been close with since middle school and two from college. I consider these people the closest, they know all my secrets. :)
4. A quirky thing about me is...I never forget birthdays. It's almost photographic in my memory. Tell me your birthday, I'll remember it forever.
5. This weekend I...am taking a cooking class to make paella. Looking forward to some learning how to make delicious seafood + rice goodness!
6. Something that worries me is...Not being able to do everything I want in life...traveling everywhere I want to go, doing everything I want to do, etc.
7. On my night stand you will find...My latest book, chapstick, and my cell phone.
Enjoy your cooking class this weekend. I've always wanted to take a cooking class. Someday, I'll make time for one.
I enjoyed reading your list :) Hope you have a wonderful weekend!
Cooking class sounds yummy. Your list was nice :) and lovely photo!
I'm worried I won't be able to accomplish all of my goals too. But who's to say that a lot of them won't happen at the same time?
Happy weekend!
I want to travel everywhere too - there is just not enough time or money!!
I understand completely the fear of not doing everything you want in life. I sometimes worry about where I should be in my life right now if I'm going to accomplish the things that I want to accomplish. I wish there was a plan for life, but clearly everyone cuts their own paths. You'll be great!
i am the same way with birthdays! :)
great blog you have!!!
happy weekend!
Hahaha! I love the first one. I say that too. :) Especially to fill the silence!
And, I worry about now being able to reach my dreams and do everything that I want to do in my future too. :/
Love your blog! :)
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