A few weeks ago, a coworker of mine raved about her personal training gym, that specializes in targeted cardio/weight loss work-outs à la the Biggest Loser. It sounded intriguing, and since historically I've had more success gaining muscle and flexibility in group classes, I signed up.
And oh man, has it has been whipping me into shape! It's been such a good work out in fact, it's kind of addicting!
On my way to a toned wedding physique!
Sounds great, I actually love sports but I lost my motivation in the way and need to get back in shape. Wedding is a good goal, mine should be to get rid of the back pains :)
You know it lady, I told you it would be addicting. I love going, and it's my daily PE class. Hope you sign up for good with me. :)
well done. I've found that on my own in the gym is a disaster. I have no motivation and as soon as it gets hard I give up. So I turned to fitness classes instead. There's nothing like seeing a 60 year old woman who can do more push ups than you for providing motivation.
Keep up the great work
ya!!! do yoga too!
Oh that sounds great! I've been getting so bored with my workout routine as of late.
Great blog!
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