Wow, I can't believe I've been blogging long enough to have 1000 posts! What a journey it's been. Writing is a passion of mine. I've always enjoy crafting together words and am pleased they have entertained others as well. It's funny because initially I never thought a blog could suffice as a creative outlet, but it has surpassed my expectations in so many ways. I continue to surprised at how fulfilling and purposeful blogging is. Thanks to all of my loyal readers for joining me through my endeavors learning how to become a blogger!
Oh Congrats on a 1000 Posts!!! Your blog is just lovely!!
Yay, congratulations! And thank you for giving me something wonderful to read every day :-)
I am so impressed with that number! So impressed that you aren't burnt out. Here's to a thousand more :)
Congrats! I love reading your blog, so keep it up!
Congratulations! What a milestone!
wow 1000 posts! congrats darling! carry on! :)
Holy cow!! That's a lot of posting! Congrats :) Keep 'em coming!
congratulations on a thousand lovely entries that never fail to brighten up my day. thank you for that!
congrats! yr blog's great!
Wow! Congrats on your 1,000th post!!
hurrah! and we are thankful for it all!
Yay! Congratulations! Your blog is one of my very favorite reads of the day. Here's to 1000 more!
wowzers, 1000 posts! my oh my! congratulations! that is quite the achievement. I'm like at 200! haha. but I love coming over to your little bloglet, seeing what inspirational, yummy, pretty or just plain funny things you have to share. thanks for writing! because I love reading! :)
Wow! Happy 1000th! (makes me lisp...)
Keep writing and we'll keep reading.
Hooray and congrats!!
Great going! 1,000 posts- WOW...
Good for you
So amazing! Congrats!
Happy 1,000th! :)
yay! thanks for blogging! i've loved following you!
Congrats on your 1000th post (throws confetti in the air) !!
Congrats and looking forward to the next 1,000 - you do indeed have a very lovely blog! :)
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