This weekend was a busy one for me. Saturday, my parents joined my bf and I at our local state fair -
The Puyallup Fair. Puyallup is located about an hour outside Seattle, and the fair is the city's claim to fame. It truly is quite an event as it runs 7 days a week for 3 full weeks. And this past Saturday was an especially gorgeous sunny day, so the crowds were out in full force.
I haven't been to the fair in a few years, and this year was nice to just mull around and see indulge in delicious and un-nutritious fair foods like corn dogs, caramel apples, roasted corn, strawberry shortcake, and of course - Puyallup's signature
fair scones.
We perused the barns, cows, goats, pigs with piglets (so cute), horses, even the chickens and birds. This barn was particularly entertaining as there were some funny looking hens in here! Check out the long legs on this little guy!

Saturday night, as if we hadn't gotten enough fried foods in us, we headed out to
Fremont Oktoberfest - a favorite annual Seattle event of ours. We met up with friends, sampled some local beers, and enjoyed some savory brats. All in all, a fantastic festivity-filled weekend!