Since I'm trying to mix up my meal regiment with some different veggies and grains, I've been trying out a lot of recipes from my sister's blog - Keep It Skinny. My little sis lives in LA and as most Los Angeles-ites are, is all about yoga and healthy eating, and has an affinity for quinoa. Check her out!
I'll have to check it out! And always remember that your fiance is going to think your gorgeous as you walk down the aisle. :)
Going to check out your sister's blog!! And, you are going to look LOVELY in your dress! So excited for you! xo
Thanks for sharing this. I'm going to check hers too. "skinny" is a word which I'm trying to forget and is neglected for a long time. :) I need to be inspired.
I'm gonna have to check this out cause love quinoa!
Just made a quinoa salad the other day! :o)
I'm sure you'll look fabulous!
And it relly is weird...I feel like it's so much easier to eat healthy in sunny warm LA , than in winter, snow covered, cold Toronto.
Im on a mission to eat healthier too and I will check out her blog for sure:) Happy Friday, my dear
Oh fun! I'm going to check it out right now. Looking forward to seeing her again in a couple of weeks!
Hers must be a so healthy blog :D, Im gonna check it out! Thnks for sharing:D
Grow your lashes longer with Bimatoprost
Ooo thanks for the link, should keep me on the straight and narrow now we're into January!
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