What is one small thing that always makes you happy?
For me it's....
hot cocoa on a cold night,
finding whole seashells on the beach,
freshly pedicured toes,
coming home to see my cat curled up in the windowsill, waiting for me
campfire songs,
surprise love notes,
banana milkshakes,
the clop, clop, clop of horses hooves
a much-needed hug
laughing until you cry.
What is one small thing that always makes you happy?
My dogs always make me happy...The way they welcome me each time I get home..Its just so special:) Happy Monday, my dear
getting into a freshly made bed
green grass...which sadly won't be around for another couple months!
I pretty much have to agree with each thing that makes you happy. But to add onto the list, giving myself a girly night with facial masks and nail painting - oh, and baking cookies with girlfriends!
I love that picture and your list! The thing that makes me happy is my husband's voice and hug at the end of a long day.
I love when I find the whole shell on the beach. It makes my day!
Melanie's Randomness
Oh so many little things, if I take the time to notice them ... the first hot drink of the day, the sun on the fields on the way to/from work, a wee text from my hubby, hearing a favourite song on the radio, a comment on my blog ... thanks for reminding me to notice them today!
French toast! God, how I love French toast...
Every morning when my husband kisses me goodbye. He wakes me from my slumber and kisses me gently on my forehead. I love it. I also love it when my cat curls up with me without me trying to get him to. So sweet! Oh, and seeing dogs do funny things as I'm driving along. For instance, one day last summer I was driving down a boulevard and I looked over to see a dog hanging out of an apartment window just like an old man usually does. When dogs do human-like things, I always laugh uncontrollably!
Cherry blossoms...it means warm weather is on the way!
For me it's seeing my dog soo happy to play in the snow! It gets me through all these very freezing snow days.
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