Make up has never been my thing. Although I sincerely wish it was a skill I possessed. When my college friends do vacations - I love that I'm able to shelve my unimpressive regiment of bare minerals coverage, cover girl eye liner, maybelline mascara, and my lip gloss du jour, and default to my friend Marissa, who somehow manages to create makeup magic on me every time! If only I could keep her in my pocket to be my personal makeup stylist for every other day of the year.
So now, that I've decided as an almost thirty year old grown up, it is time for me to invest in some quality makeup that suits me. However, I find buying makeup extremely daunting. In fact, the idea of it is somewhat frightening to me. First I think it is grossly overpriced, and second, since I'm not as familiar with what is necessary to create a polished look on my ever-pale skin, I somehow manage to buy products I never end up using, and neglect to buy the essentials.
So I'm curious, what's your go-to brand? I'm always so impressed when bloggers do make up posts, I always scribble names of the stand-out products, thankful for honest and helpful recommendations.
Do you have a favorite blush? Eye shadow? Lipstick? Liner?
If so...please, do tell. I'm all ears!