Had I a yard, I might attempt the ghostly pumpkin lantern walk. I love the orange glow illuminated from the intricate carvings. Although I have to say, I think the spidered door is my favorite, as the unofficial "spider killer" in my household growing up. Both of my sisters are arachnophobic, and would shriek my name every time they encountered a spider, regardless how tiny and minuscule he might have been.
Anyone have any favorite Halloween decorations or traditions to share?
I LOVE Halloween decorations.
I like that ghost pic- spooky
I love Halloween :) we got orange christmas lights for our apartment, and they're so nice late at night.
Awww yeah! Nice decor!
Beautiful Post- I myself was checking this out on Martha Stewart the other day---great decor! Halloween is my favorite holiday-- a few years back Martha had a show on HGTV all about Halloween and decorations --it really put me in the spirit-- I wish they had more shows like that :)
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