Breakfast in Bed

What mom (or person for that matter) doesn't enjoy breakfast in bed? This gift-set from spoonnyc is just the ticket. Complete with buttermilk pancake mix, strawberry jam, and Vermont blueberry syrup, this $35 picnic will certainly sweeten up that Mother's Day breakfast.

Here's how I see it, there are 2 options for delivery
a). Present to mom as such, with ingredients sealed and wrapped, making for a gift that is aesthetically pleasing...
b). Be a rock star and actually take the time to whip up these ingredients into a scrumptious breakfast in bed (or maybe convince a younger sibling to do it for you) and deliver it to mom on her special day. I'm thinking option b). is the way to go...brownie points!


1 comment said...

You'd definitely earn your brownie points whipping it all together. But the labels+packaging is darling! It wouldn't all be lost if you went with option a. :)