Quote of the Week

I'm still in a blissful wedding daze and thus not quite ready to return to my regular postings about ordinary things.. so on this happy Friday, I leave you with an Irish wedding blessing I love that we included in our wedding program.

You are the star of each night,
You are the brightness of every morning,
You are the story of each guest,
You are the report of every land.
No evil shall befall you, on hill nor bank,
In field or valley, on mountain or in glen.
Neither above, nor below, neither in sea,
Nor on shore, in skies above,
Nor in the depths.
You are the kernel of my heart,
You are the face of my sun,
You are the harp of my music,
You are the crown of my company.

~ Irish Wedding Blessing

via bloom


Diana Mieczan said...

Ohh that Irish wedding blessing is so beautiful and I adore the quote. Have a wonderful weekend, susnhine. Muah

carolina @ patagonia gifts said...

lovely quote! have a beautiful weekend, darling! xo

Leslie said...

Lovely! Perfect for this Friday. :)

jacin {lovely little details} said...

oh my gosh i love that irish wedding blessing! i might have to turn it in to a print :)