It's a week before Halloween and I have no idea of what to be, and time is quickly running out. And, I've been so busy with parent-teacher conferences that I haven't even had a chance to stop into a local costume store to take a gander at the slim pickings still left on the rack. (Insert heavy sigh here). I need some serious help! Any ideas on quality costumes can I throw together without spending a ton of money?
I just can't be that teacher who comes to school without a costume on Halloween!
How about a black cat? Its very easy and you can get creative with the face make-up!
Have a fun Monday,sweetie
You could be static electricity. Wear a sweatsuit and pin socks all over you.
A domino. Get 2 large pieces of felt or cardborad (black) and paint white dots on it or pin white circles on it.
I'm going as Little Red Riding Hood. Planning to wear a black shirt and tights, a white blouse and of course the big red cape and hood. Will also carry a basket with some goodies in it for my first graders...
What about a Book Worm? Wear all green with a pair of glasses and attach a book to a hat for the top of your head!
I like the bookworm idea! It's great for a teacher! I'm going as a gnome. I'm hoping to find all my attire at the thrift store. I must say, if you just go into a thrift store it starts to become pretty easy to imagine ideas!
Gypsy... scarves, jewlery, long dress, shawl. Super fun and free!
I will post a how to on it tonight or tomorrow.
Hmmm...If I had a good idea I would probably use it, because I can't think of a thing for myself! I usually have it planned out way in advance! I was professor Trelawny from Harry Potter one year, which was easy to create from what I owned. good luck, and Happy Halloween!
I was a substitute teacher one year - I wore a very cliche teacher outfit, stuck a paper airplane in my bun, wore crooked glasses, had toilet paper stuck into my shoe, carried a ruler and an apple and wore a "Hi, my name is Miss Peterson" nametag. Pretty easy!
Oh my gosh, I'm with you! I have no idea what I want to be...
When in doubt...go as a witch or a girl from the 80's? :-)
i've been an angel the last few years but i live in southern california where it's warm. easy costume though. white skirt, white tank top. glittery make up. all you have to buy are white wings and a halo, should be left in the slim pickin's! good luck. (p.s. like your cute jack-o-lanterns.)
daughter is a teacher - all five kinder teachers dressed up as Waldo (where's Waldo - jeans, striped tshirt, round black glasses & stocking hat)... kids loved it.
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