Quintessential Fall

My boyfriend and I spent the beautiful Seattle Sunday doing all things fall. First, we went to an apple cider mill, sampled the Gala and Honeycrisp Apple cider, and purchased some and cider and apple butter.

Next, we headed to a local pumpkin patch. I guess it was a popular day to hit the pumpkin patch, because it was packed! Every family there had children under the age of 5. All trying desperately to capture their child actually looking at the camera, or at least at a pumpkin. We opted for the unusual pumpkins as opposed to tradition, picking up a warty pumpkin for my classroom and a Cinderella pumpkin for my porch.

After that, we walked ar0und the farm, the cornfields, and then ended our afternoon with cones of delicious pumpkin ice cream. What a perfect day!


Anonymous said...

That sounds like a perfect day, and in Seattle no less, my favorite city! I always pick the odd ball pumpkin, I'm afraid no one else will and he wants a home too, haha.

Carol {Everyday Delights} said...

So fun! I want to go to an apple cider mill!

Rachel said...

This sounds like so much fun! What a great way to spend the day. I am heading out to the pumpkin patch this Saturday - can't wait!

Jen H said...

happy fall indeed! what perfect weather for pumpkin plucking.

Anonymous said...

That sounds fabulous. I'm loving all the pumpkin photos cropping up across the blogisphere at the moment, they are so pretty.