Snow Days and Gingerbread Ways

My weekend was spent snowed in, cozying up in front of pumpkin pie & apple cinnamon scented candles (my alternative to a crackling fire), trekking to the neighborhood bar to share a pint with friends, playing in the snow with my boyfriend, and baking gingerbread cookies for the first time ever.

School was already been canceled 3 days last week, and we just got word tomorrow is yet another snow day...I'm sure my students are joyously frolicking in the snow, much to their parents chagrin. Truth be told, it isn't looking too likely that we'll be back in class before the holiday, one more day to go... Cheers!image/flickr


Carrie said...

Sounds like a fun weekend! I saw the pictures you posted of playing in the snow - very cute!

Carol {Everyday Delights} said...

Yummm perfect time to bake!