My fiance and I in search of a song for our first dance. We enjoy and appreciate good music but I wouldn't call either of us "music people." We listen to the radio or pandora, or occasionally an ipod mix, but we're not really up on what's new and hip in the music scene.
As such, we find ourselves 4 months to our wedding without a wedding song... Yesterday, we were literally googling "great wedding songs," and playing youtube clips and sharing our feedback; too fast, too slow, or not quite right... It was actually quite comical! Ultimately we agreed on the following; we want a song that's not too serious, upbeat, and maybe oldie or a classic, - but not a wedding song cliche.
We tossed around the names Billy Joel and Frank Sinatra, and even Taylor Swift. I know, I know...let me explain. On the night that we met, we talked for a long time, about nothing and everything, and somehow we got to talking about how much I liked the song "Our Song," by Taylor Swift. Surprisingly he agreed he also thought it was catchy, and even hummed a few lines to prove it. It was hilarious, I couldn't believe a guy would admit to liking Taylor Swift. We joked about having that song as our first dance, but thought it might be a little too cheesy...we'll see.
So...what was your first dance song? Any ideas/suggestions, I'm open to ideas!
It took us forever to come up with the perfect song, but we did: The Luckiest by Ben Folds. 2 years later, every time I hear that song I get a little teary-eyed!
I think that if you have a connection to the Taylor Swift song, it should definitely be under serious consideration-- even if it is a little cheesy!! Our wedding song was 'Gotta Have You' by the Weepies-- fun and sweet and very 'us.' Good luck!
I'm a beatles fan, so from them here's a few suggestions, "all you need is love", "in my life", "got to get you in my life", "i will". "i want to hold your hand", "all my loving", and "something".
We decided to go classic, with Frank Sinatra's "Fly Me To the Moon", which I love, but I agree with Alexandra - if you have a song that you both like, you should go for it. If it's perhaps a little unusual, it'll make it even more "yours".
we were in such a similar boat! we settled on "you belong to me" (the jason wade version from the shrek soundtrack) and it was perfect. good luck on your search!!
My husband and I danced to Never My Love by The Association.
oh, im the opposite, i have like 10 songs I LOVE and i cant narrow it down. i want them all for different reasons! ack!
We didn't do a first dance (or any dancing for that matter) but the music was still a very important thing to us. I love love love The Zombies- This Will Be Our Year as a wedding song. Perfectly upbeat and classic sounding, but not everyone and their mother has used it . ;)
I think it would be cute to use Our Song ... because it has special meaning to you AND is about not having a song.
Have you ever heard You Are the Best Thing by Ray LaMontagne? It's such a joyful song - I always picture using it at my wedding.
It might not be classic enough for you, but "You & Me" by Dave Matthews Band is a sweet song. If it had come out before my wedding I would have considered it. :)
Happy Summer Vacation!
I think The Way I Am by Ingrid Michaelson is cute. She has a few other good ones too.
There are a lot of good Michael Buble songs too - some that are covers of older songs.
Ours was "We Have All the Time in the World" by Louis Armstrong. It's lovely. And 9 years later, I hear it and am instantly back on that dance floor in my wedding dress, in the arms of my new husband!
"Let's Stay Together" by Al Green is a preety classy tune which most people know and I don't think it's cheesy
We danced to "Fly me to the Moon" by Sinatra --but, we had an amazing jazz singer sing it live. It was beautiful!
love this song, was going to use it for my wedding, but going with something else. But Taylor Swift is awesome too.
We danced to Sam Cooke's "You Send Me," and it was perfect. :)
Hubby and I don't have a lack of "our songs" but we used Far Away by Nickelback. I don't think Swift's Our Song is cheesy at all. I think it's a great song to use.
I was at a wedding where the bride and groom danced to "sitting on the dock of the bay" by Otis Redding and it was lovely! I also like "crazy for you" by Adele as a first dance song.
we used "first day of my life" by bright eyes
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zwFS69nA-1w also love Camera Obscura's cover of "I love how you love me"
We danced to Into the Mystic - Van Morrison's version. I also really liked their song Crazy Love. Either way, we don't feel tied at all to our first dance song, and there are probably a million other songs I might have chosen, but in the end, our song was short, sweet, and a little peppy.
Our first dance song wasn't anything special to us, but since the one I wanted (beach house's I'll take care of you) was 6 minutes long and the lyrics weren't perfectly fitting (I'll take care of you...in a year or two - what was I thinking?) we had to come up with something else. So we went with Sam Cooke's I love you for sentimental reasons. It's short, sweet, sincere and a little upbeat. A golden oldie!
We danced to God Only Knows by the Beach Boys. It's definitely one of those songs where you have to hear all the lyrics before you realize how romantic it really is. It was amazing to dance with my new husband to that song :)
It was AFTER the wedding that a friend told me that's the theme song to Big Love. Ha!
James Taylor's "How sweet it is to be loved by you" is always a good one with a good tempo and Michael Buble has a great cover as well.
When deciding on our song during wedding planning, my husband suggested the every so catchy "99 Problems..." by the talented Jay-Z. :)
We did "Something" by the Beatles, mostly because we both love George and it was SHORT!
I think the song "Home" by Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros is the sweetest. Also, "You are the Best Thing" by Ray Lamontagne. Both are a bit faster/jazzy, but could make for an adorable dance.
Cheese is fine! If that's the right song! We too didn't have a clear choice and spent ages humming and hawing - we eventually settled for Your Song, sung by Ewan McGregor in Moulin Rouge, the first romantic film we saw together. Totally cheesey but perfect for us, and it has since become 'our song'. Go with your gut!
"I and Love and You" By The Avett Brothers. Its Beautiful, and was our first song.
I love romantic songs. In our wedding, we want out theme song to be one of the wedding songs as well. I agree with other comment, cheesy is fine as long as it is the perfect one for you.
All the best!
christine xxxx
Nice blog and absolutely outstanding. You can do something much better but i still say this perfect.Keep trying for the best.
Wedding Songs
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