Sweet Memories

My grandma is joining the tech revolution! She just bought a brand new Mac laptop, and is taking weekly lessons at the Apple store. I am extremely proud of her progress, she has come leaps and bounds from where she started. I have been going over to my grandparents condo about once a week to ensure my grandma stays up to speed and familiar with all of the functions of her new toy. I recently uploaded an album of old black and white family photos, for her personal viewing pleasure. Overall, this has been an incredibly rewarding project, it's been a great way to look back and see my mom and her brothers as a child, while also preserving precious family memories! Here are a few from the bunch...

My uncles playing in a wading pool with a friend.

My great-parents house. In this picture is my grandma, my great-grandma, my mom (the baby) and two of her brothers.

My grandpa hugging Uncle Pat and Uncle Tom.

A romantic picnic (taken on one of my grandparents first dates).


Jody said...

I love that photo at the picnic! Way to go grams with the mac book...so exciting!

swell.life said...

these are priceless! kudos to your gma. :)

AJK said...

That is so cool!

Sara Christine said...

Ohhh, I love old family photos. These are beautiful. And kudos to your grandma for being such a techy!