Sweet Tooth

In response to the less than stellar week I've had, my Mom brought me a box of frosted sweets from Cupcake Royale, as a sweet, pick-me-up treat. With the Hollywood cupcake fad in full swing, I am here to say my sweet tooth predisposed me to cupcakes long before they became trendy! One reason I like Cupcake Royale, is that their cupcakes boast fanciful names for flavors like "Orange U Glad" and "Mr. Formal," though my absolute favorite is the Southern classic, "Red Velvet." Lucky for us, these sweet treats are sold locally, with locations in Ballard, Madrona, and West Seattle...a perfect sweet indulgence to brighten a bad day.



Miss Mariss said...

Yummy delicious! I just read about these on citysearch for Seattle V-day info.

Carol {Everyday Delights} said...

Those look amazing!!