My New Favorite Breakfast

I've never been one of those people that can eat the same thing every morning, day after day, week after week.  I get bored.  Occasionally I'll find myself in a groove for a few weeks, surfing a wave of yogurt and granola.  And once that get's old, I'll change course for a few weeks with scrambled eggs and sliced avocado.  Then perhaps leap on over to fried eggs with Trader Joe's get the idea.  

However, it seems I've finally found a recipe with some staying power, since this has been my go-to breakfast for roughly 2+ months, and I'm still going strong!  I've rediscovered the beauty (and convenience) of overnight oats.  For those of you who might not know what overnights oats are - I did a post way back when...but the gist is - they're oats soaked and softened overnight in some type of milk.  It's an ideal breakfast for a late riser or someone who tends to have less time on their hands in the morning, as the prep work is already done by the time you awake!

My new favorite variation is Gwyneth Paltrow's almond orange overnight oats from her It's All Easy cookbook.  I had this page dog-eared for a while, and finally recognized that I had all of the ingredients on hand, so what was I waiting for?  

The result: great flavor, a nice blend of texture, and also - filling!  When I was teaching, I found it annoying when my breakfast couldn't tie me over until lunch and I'd be hungrily eying the clock at 10:00! What makes this recipe great, in my opinion, is the addition of orange juice, Greek yogurt, slivered almonds and shredded coconut.   And, I actually omitted the 2 tbsp maple syrup it calls for, because I didn't think it needed the extra sweetness.  I typically use a coconut or almond milk, though you could use cows milk or another type of nut milk as well.  

It's about time we get excited for breakfast!


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