Are post pregnancy cravings a real thing? Because if so, I am CAAA-RRRAVING a cronut! FYI - for the uninformed, cronut = croissant + donut. Doesn't that sound amazeballs?! Made in limited quantities fresh daily at NYC's Dominiquie Ansel Bakery, these babies sell out like hotcakes. Lines are rumored to form at 4:30 AM or earlier, wrapping Soho blocks in eager anticipation of these sugary puffs of perfection.

Oh! I am also vicariously living the cronut experience through Naomi's blog. I don't know when I will be able to go to NYC but I have already marked the spot I can't miss :)
Oh my deliciousness. I've yet to get my hands on one, but they look SO GOOD!
sorelle in style
they sell them in santa monica now too!
I was in NYC two weeks ago and wanted one so bad! However no one would wake up early enough with me to go :( Sad face!
Those sound AMAZING!!!
I am not sure if they still have them but Zinnia Bistro on 1st Ave near the stadiums (great place anyway) did have some during the summer. They were amazing!
There are a few places in Seattle that sell them now! I'll forward you the link! I was just telling Nick we need to go find cronuts!
Yum! My tastebuds are watering!
Just tried one recently in Dublin. It blew my mind. So delish!
I want to try one so badly!!
Oh.My.God. Why did you even post about these? They look amazing and now I NEED to have one! Yum!!
I had one just after I gave birth to my baby boy last month and it was DELICIOUS!! Oh boy, just thinking about it now makes me mouth water.
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