Dinner Last Night: Sweet Potato Shepherd's Pie

On the shortest day of the year, it seemed only fitting to have the ultimate comfort food for early darkening skies and falling temperatures, sweet potato shepherd's pie.  I ended up using yams so my topping was a bit more orangey than this picture, but delicious nonetheless.  Try this at home, it'll be worth your while, a big heaping spoonful of yum!

Storyworth Giveaway Winners

Congratulations to Marissa H., Heather T., and Katie U., the three winners of my Storyworth giveaway!  You will each receive a 1-year subscription to Storyworth for 1 storyteller and 1 book, valued at $79!  Thanks again to all who entered.

In case you didn't win this time around - don't fret, it's definitely not too late to partake in the magic of Storyworth.  No shipping and handling necessary, deliver this e-gift today to your loved one of choice, who will assist you in in scribing and preserving your family's stories for years to come.

image via storyworth

Quote of the Week

"First we’ll make snow angels for two hours, then we’ll go ice skating, then we’ll eat a whole roll of Tollhouse cookie dough as fast as we can, and then-- we’ll snuggle."
- Buddy the Elf

Christmas Favorites

Christmas is in full swing around our house.  We've got the Mariah Carey "All I Want For Christmas is You" pandora station playing on repeat.  And after two brief - but visibly appeasing - snow days, we've stocked up with plenty of hot cocoa and twinkly lights to keep us warm and cozy through Christmas day.

+ slowly making my way through my favorite Christmas movies, including, Love ActuallyElf, White Christmas, The Holiday, Little Women, and The Family Man. What are your faves?

+ making many a snowflake and mitten from this gingerbread recipe.

+ reading our way through book advent with my kids every night (this and this were my kids' Christmas books for 2016)

+ enjoying apple cider mimosas at brunch with girlfriends (I'd never heard of these before -soo good!)

+ decorating gingerbread houses with my daughter via this kit (on sale!)

+ awaiting our mail carrier's delivery every day for Christmas and holiday cards, we went with these this year 

+ made this delicious tart (yet again) for my mom's group holiday party

What are your Christmas favorites in your neck of the woods?


Dinner Last Night: Crispy Prosciutto Cheesy White Lasagna

Made this cheesy pan of deliciousness last night - it was the perfect comfort food for a cold, crisp winter day.  Crispy edged on the outside, cheesy goodness inside, enough spinach to justify a vegetable portion, and best of all - crunchy prosciutto on top.  Delish!


Christmas Gift Guide

I love seeing the various gift guide's across my favorite blogs, so I decided to make my own - a collection of my current favorite things for this holiday season - and oh, my sweet 
husband, if by chance you're free, feel free to take notes...
Small Victories cookbook
cozy winter jammies (currently on sale!)

What's catching your eye this holiday season?