Christmas is in full swing around our house. We've got the Mariah Carey "All I Want For Christmas is You" pandora station playing on repeat. And after two brief - but visibly appeasing - snow days, we've stocked up with plenty of hot cocoa and twinkly lights to keep us warm and cozy through Christmas day.
+ making many a snowflake and mitten from this
gingerbread recipe.
+ reading our way through
book advent with my kids every night (
this and
this were my kids' Christmas books for 2016)
+ enjoying
apple cider mimosas at brunch with girlfriends (I'd never heard of these before -soo good!)
+ decorating gingerbread houses with my daughter via
this kit (on sale!)
+ awaiting our mail carrier's delivery every day for Christmas and holiday cards, we went with
these this year
+ made this
delicious tart (yet again) for my mom's group holiday party
What are your Christmas favorites in your neck of the woods?