
For the past three weeks, I've been able to feel the baby move.  It truly is one of the best, most amazing feelings I've ever experienced!  My husband got a chance to feel her kick for the first time around Week 20, and now he's hooked! It's become our little ritual, waking up in the morning, laying in bed, and having a few moments of just us talking to the baby and feeling her kicks.  It's one of my most favorite times of the day.

 Most of our baby books say that babies sleep 12-14 hours a day in utero, but there are definitely times when I feel distinct movement.  For our baby girl, she is most active in the early morning and around 6:00, just before dinner.  We joke that she'll definitely be a morning person, as she is always up and ready to start the day.  Sometimes she kicks in a rhythmic pattern all in the same spot, other times her movements are sporadic and all around my belly. 

While this journey has definitely seemed more real since we found out she's a she, feeling the baby move takes the fact that we'll be parents in a few short months to a whole new level.  This is such an special time for us as we literally watch her grow before our eyes, and prepare for her arrival at the end of the summer.  



Ashlee Gadd said...

Feeling the baby move is The. Best. You better stop with these're making me want to get pregnant again! Ah! ;)

Melanie said...

It must be a beautiful feeling! This is one of the experiences I can't wait to have when I have a child one day! =)

Sarah Alway said...

Oh my goodness that's so exciting! I can't even imagine what it must feel like to feel a life move inside you... I can't wait for that feeling someday!

Carol {Everyday Delights} said...

So exciting! I want to feel her move! Maybe she'll be extra giddy for book club! :)