One our second to last day in Big Sky, my family took a break from skiing to create some fresh tracks via snowshoeing. Think snowshoeing sounds like an easy workout? Think again! We hiked several trails, including "Bullwinkle" and "Creekside," through a snow cloaked national park. Sure enough, the sky was blue and big, very fitting for this cozy town of the same name. While we layered our clothes to stay warm, the bright shining sun warmed us as we hiked, illuminating the fluffy white snow.
The scenery was beautiful, quiet and pristine. The green trees dappled with snow, branches boasting fingers of icicles, sometimes you just had to stop and look around to take it all in. There's nothing quite like a winter wonderland. Plus the fun of creating our own trail of fresh tracks as we cheerily joked, "Hi Ho, Hi Ho," along the trail, (seriously we did, my sister has an entertaining video to prove it).