Salad Savvy: Mango & Black Bean Quinoa Salad

After a few days of heavy eating, I was feeling in dire need of a healthy salad. I came across this recipe on Closet Cooking (one of my fave food blogs) and it was just the ticket, mango and black bean quinoa salad. The recipe was quick to make, and most of the ingredients you probably have on hand, except mango in my case. After I returned from the store, I then realized I only had red quinoa on hand, but luckily it substituted well, and tasted just as good. Personally, I think the red quinoa actually made the salad a bit more colorful, don't you think?



Brittany said...

i love eating pretty food. just makes me feel good.

Padgett Hoke said...

Yum, that looks delicious! I haven't ever tried the red quinoa, looks pretty though!