Well, I succumbed to curiousity and read Little Bee. And I have to say, this book was unlike any other I've ever read. It's realistic fiction and set in present day, and the storyline emotional and full of sorrow at times, but written with such a frank and heartfelt poignancy you cannot help but turn the next page. Now a word to the wise: this is not really a light read. It is an intense, thought-provoking novel, but one that I've continued to think about even after I turned the final page.
So if you've got time, maybe indulge your curiousity side and read it for yourself.
i love little bee!it's such a sad, hopefull book. have you red "Incediary" another book by chris cleave?
It's on my list...obvs;)
My friend Renee read it and adored it, as well.
I might just have to pick this one up. The time that you find to read is inspiring!
i had it in my hand at Barnes and Noble yesterday but did not get it! glad to know it is a good read. i will be headed back to pick it up!
sounds like my type of book... will pick up a copy when i get a chance!
I'll put this on my list! Been reading some heavy-going books lately so I need something a bit more light hearted before I start on this.. but I always love finding out what other people are reading and enjoying!
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