...a little bit of this and a little bit of that...
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Anyone else feel this way? I'm not a grammar goddess by any means, but when people incorrectly use your/you're it drives me crazy! Must be the teacher inside of me.
Hil.ar.ious! Yes, I have a huge problem with it. I am hoping I am not a hypocrite by saying this! I try really, REALLY hard! They're, there, their too. Drives me crazy.
I'm so with you!!! I hate when people make that mistake. And English is my second language, and I always get it right, so no excuses for native speakers!!!
Another one I hate is "Definitely"- why do people spell it "Definately"??
Goodness gracious, hallelujah. Thank you for posting this...it isn't a difficult concept, but for some reason it seems to have stumped at least 75% of the population... :)
HA! improper grammar drives me NUTS, so you are not alone by any means.
and i am in total agreement with vivian. my boyfriend spells it 'definately' despite how many times i tell him he's spelling it wrong.... probably just to annoy me!
Hil.ar.ious! Yes, I have a huge problem with it. I am hoping I am not a hypocrite by saying this! I try really, REALLY hard! They're, there, their too. Drives me crazy.
I'm so with you!!! I hate when people make that mistake. And English is my second language, and I always get it right, so no excuses for native speakers!!!
Another one I hate is "Definitely"- why do people spell it "Definately"??
That and there/their/they're. It's not that hard, people!
that drives me insane too!
That and a million others like it get under my skin! I'm with you!
~ Jen
Being a freelance writer and editor this is one of many errors I see in grammar. Cute photo! Really captures the point :)
i'm adding a resounding "AMEN!"
Oh yes, I am absolutely with you. It's/Its and They're/Their/There are two of the worst, in my opinion.
I couldn't agree more (with the picture AND the other comments!)
I fully agree!! Bad grammar, poor spelling and layouts drive me nuts!
Oh my goodness!! YES!!!
It also completely blows my mind when people mix up our and are. Seriously?! They're not even the same form of speech!
Agreed! It's right up there with "their" and "they're."
Goodness gracious, hallelujah. Thank you for posting this...it isn't a difficult concept, but for some reason it seems to have stumped at least 75% of the population... :)
OMG...yes! This grammar error drives me crazy, though I'm sure I've made the mistake myself at times...especially when rushing. :)
HA! improper grammar drives me NUTS, so you are not alone by any means.
and i am in total agreement with vivian. my boyfriend spells it 'definately' despite how many times i tell him he's spelling it wrong.... probably just to annoy me!
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