Back in the day, I remember my dad would occasionally pick up a coconut at the grocery store. When we'd get home, he'd hammer a screw driver into one of the holes, and we'd pour out the milk (or so I thought it was called) and drink. Next, we'd crack that puppy open and split between us the fresh slices of coconut meat. However, I stand corrected, apparently the clear liquid found inside young coconuts is coconut water.
While in California last week, I watched my 5-year old cousin Alani devour a young coconut. Litearlly, she slurped up the water and gelatinous young coconut meat like it was a cherry slushie. Mind you, I was intrigued, but I slurped with significantly less enthusiasm.
So what's the verdict? Love it it / hate it? I think my mind is more boggled I've been calling it coconut milk for all these years. Where have I been??
LOVE it! as a little kid, i used to visit my grandparents in puerto rico and i remember my grandfather would always chop the coconuts from the tree for me. he would slice open the top with a machete and i would sip the water with a straw. after i was done, he would cut it open and i would scoop out the fleshy insides to eat. soooooo good!
you just made me crave coconuts!
p.s. coconut water is a very effective hangover remedy, too.
I love it. I use it as a sports drink instead of those high sugar/color alternatives. I wish it weren't so expensive though.
hahaha I thought it was coconut milk too! I haven't tried it since I was a kid but not I'm intrigued....
Growing up in Cuba, that was a common thing to have at the beach or the country side, an adult would open the coconut with a machete... yep... and then pass it around to the kids. We loved it!
I got some at Whole Foods a week ago after seeing it mentioned a lot of places and I'm not really a fan...
I haven't tried it yet, but I always called it coconut milk too - maybe a west coast thing?
have you tried the coconut juices?
they have added flavors like lime
some of them are really good!
I love all things coconut - except coconut water. It's a very strange taste.
I think coconut milk is the creamy juice that you get from juicing the coconut meat, used in curries, ice cream, etc. That is delicious! (And not so healthy for you unfortunately.)
I love it! I haven't tried it from a bottle/box/can yet, but I bought some recently. I just always drink it straight from the coconut; I used to sell them at farmer's markets as a side job in college. The difference between milk and water is that coconut water is the clear liquid found in young coconuts. Coconut milk is derived from the meat, and has more fat/sugars in it. Both are delicious :)
I think they are two very different things. I like coconut milk, but not really a fan of coconut water.
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