Forgive me if this post gets a little "preachy," but I thought this information was too critical to not pass on. Do you know what parabens are? I hate to admit, but I wasn't very knowledgable on the subject... I recognized this word from the ingredient list of many of the bottles in my shower, but I assumed it was just another ingredient in the mix and nothing more. However, when a friend told me that doctors found traces of parabens in the tumor they removed from her breast cancer surgery, I was utterly shocked. That reality check was all I needed to get myself in the know..and NOW!
When I googled "paraben definition," three separate definitions all looked almost identical to this: "paraben: an antifungal ingredient commonly used as preservatives in skin care products that is linked to hormonal changes in the body as well as an increased risk of breast cancer."
What?! And to think I've been blindly putting these parabens into my body. Uh-uh, not anymore! This was the kick in the pants I needed to revamp my skincare for a paraben-free regiment.
If this post is at all is intriguing, inspiring, or a skin care game-changer for you, I suggest you start here:
The Cosmetic Database. This database lists the stats on most brands of makeup, shampoo, toothpaste, and skincare products. Use to find out what's
really natural, paraben free, which brands have higher risk factors, the list goes on. But, beware - this is a major time suck, I spent a good hour and a half scouring this website before I managed to pull myself away.
another perspective on the paraben free trend via real simple. While I'd like to eventually try and go all natural, it's been pricy to make the switch. As of now, my game plan has been to try and cut out the amount of paraben products I use, see what new products I like, and keep up the momentum.
Have you found any must-try paraben free products you'd like to share?