Saturday Snooze

Today is a rainy Saturday afternoon. My husband and kids are downstairs cozied up next to our first fire of the season, watching their new favorite cartoon, PJ Masks.  While screen time isn't my fave, I was pleased by this scene as I walked in from the garage, armed with loaded bags from Trader Joe's and a a flat of Costco groceries.  Their faces were suspended in delight, eyes alit with excitement over this little weekend privilege.  A few days ago, immediately after watching an episode of the same show, they bounded up the stairs, arms extended, eagerly soaring around the circle that makes our kitchen and family room, pretending to be PJ Masks, exclaiming, "I'm Owlette!"  "No, I'm Owlette!  Okay, I'm Cat Boy!" punctuated by their own cacophony of swooping and flying sounds.  Their creativity, their imagination, their excitement over playing pretend was a delight to behold.  This is our life.  These little everyday moments.  Many mundane, some extraordinary, all special in their own little way.

Here are some links and articles I've read and bookmarked from the week.  Have a lovely weekend!

+ in keeping with our cozy environment, this comfort food is in the works for dinner for all but me

+ how Mexico celebrates Dia de los Muertos

+ food for thought on the lost art of the phone call

+ did you know? brown and bronze ballet shoes are being made for the first time! long overdue!

+ 7 key phrases montessori teachers use (and we ought to too)

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