Happy Birthday Blog

Happy birthday little blog of mine.  Today you are 9 years old.  NINE!  How did that happen?  One day back in 2008 I decided it was a good day for you to be born, and my how you've grown.

What has happened in those nine years, soooo much.  
Recovered from the break up of a long relationship.
Was supported, loved, and lifted up by my friends.
Enjoyed being single.
Shared many memorable LOST nights and unforgettable nights out with my friends.
Met a nice boy at a dive bar, had a magical summer together.
Fell in love.
Bought a house!  Moved in together.
Got engaged.  Planned a wedding.  Got married!
Honeymooned.  Vacationed with friends.  Drank lots of wine.
Got pregnant! Had our darling girl.
Learned how to balance motherhood and work.
Sold our house.  Moved into a condo while searching for a new house.
Stars aligned and bought our new house.
Continued learning how to balance parenting and work.
Watched our friends marry friends. Traveled the world.
Became an aunt.  Twice!
Got pregnant again! Had our darling son.
Became a stay-at-home mom.
And so much more...

A few of you have been around for a while, and I'm grateful for you.  Many of you might be new or just dropping by.  I know my posts have diminished, and I've steered away from putting my kids on social media into more safe territory like recipes, home decor, and favorite things.  But thanks for being here.  

And cheers to the lovely little things in your life.  Happy 9th my dear!



vintage peony said...

Happy birthday. I love reading your blog very loooong time :)

heather said...

I'm so glad you keep this up :) Happy Birthday LLL!