Thursday, September 15, 2011

Weekend Wedding

Tonight I'm off to Michigan on the red eye for my future sister-in-law's wedding. She's getting married Friday night! It's a busy wedding season for my fiance's family, can you tell? Both my fiance and I are doing readings in the wedding, and we're looking forward to dancing it up with his family.

Here's some of my favorite links from the week:

I'm intrigued by this cake flavor.

Love this lace vase.

Stylish cuff.

Sweet Target bike.

Aren't these wooden envelopes cool?

Have a great weekend!


  1. I hope you have a lovely time! That's a lot of excitement for your family. My brother and I both had our weddings within five months of each other. It's pretty crazy, but it's such a fun time!

  2. i love that photo! vintage suitcases are the best. have a lovely wedding weekend!

  3. I'm intrigued by that cake flavor as well :-) Hope you have a great time at the wedding!

  4. Hope you had fun in Michigan at the wedding!! :)
