Thursday, November 11, 2010

House Hunters International

I just discovered a new show which I'm now currently obsessed with - House Hunters International on HGTV. I've never really indulged in any of the HGTV shows previously, because I made the blanket assumption that most HGTV shows would be about home projects or renovations, which I didn't think would keep me interested... And yet, I'm finding myself captivated by this show because they take home buying international!

I've been DVRing up a storm, and have watched potential buyers travel to Mexico, Morocco, Slovenia, and beyond in search of the perfect international home. I think it's more inspiring to me from the travel perspective than the actual home, but nonetheless, I'm enjoying my new TV find!

If you could buy a vacation home in another country somewhere in the world - where would it be? Right now I think I'm leaning toward France or Argentina (based on what I've seen on House Hunters International).


  1. That sounds like a great show...I would probably go with France or Italy:)..That photo is so beautiful

  2. I love House Hunters! Hmm.. I would definitely buy a house in France!

  3. Tough question - I think I would have to pick somewhere warm to escape to during the winter. If I had to pick, I'd say somewhere like Tahiti.

  4. LOL i was obsessed with that show when i first found it also! for me...i would take a home in Italy :)

  5. Oooo I love that show! Now I don't have cable and I miss it. :-( If I were to buy a home, I think I'd buy one in Belize.

  6. Ohhhh I love love love this show!

  7. This is my favorite show on tv. I'm so glad to find someone who loves it as much as I do!

    xo, Anna of Green Gable
