Monday, February 8, 2010

The New Ketchup

Have you seen the new ketchup?? After 40 years, Heinz has revamped the ketchup packet. Pretty impressive if I do say so myself. The new packaging is multi-faceted; suitable not only for squeezing but for dipping as well. Bring on the french fries!images/dieline


  1. this makes me happy. i love ketchup - i even put it on scrambled eggs! yum!

  2. I just heard about this via bbc news or npr or something. Did you know that people have been complaining about the other packet since the year after the first one came out? Silly! But anyway, it's so cool to see this one in your pictures since I'm not really likely to run into it otherwise!

  3. Wow, it's about time they made both a squeeze and dip friendly package!

  4. Whoa! I've never seen that before and it's about time they joined those other jam/bbq packets you can get from fast food restaurants.

  5. Such a good idea! I love Heinz tomato ketchup. Can't have my chips with anything else! x

  6. how inventive! I always hate having to squeeze out a million little packets of ketchup, so just peeling and dipping sounds good to me! :)

  7. Aw, I never thought I'd say that ketchup is so cute!
