Monday, August 31, 2009

Back to School

It's the first day of school! I woke 10 minutes before my alarm was about to sound in excitement/butterflies. I'm so looking forward to meeting my 2nd graders!

P.S. Pictures from my trip back to the Midwest coming soon!



  1. Second grade was my very favorite year in elementary school. Have a great time with your new kids!!

  2. Aww Good LUCK today!! That must be really fun teaching 2nd graders. =) I miss school.

  3. Best of luck to you, and I know how exciting is the first day of school!

    And second graders are the BEST grade! I taught all levels in Korea, and my second graders were the best- they're fun, they smart, and they really want to learn. It makes me miss my class so, so much :(

  4. Hope your day went well! Love the picture too!

  5. Cute blog! I'm a fellow teacher who just started blogging myself. Hope the first day back went great!

  6. Back to school is prime butterfly time! How exciting! :)

    Hope your first day back was lovely!

  7. these pencil bundles are so adorable and a cute idea!!!!

    have fun with the kiddies! xo.
