Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Take a Breath

Lately I've been go-go-go, so much to do, so many deadlines to meet, so many emails to return, people to call, when did life suddenly decide to charge full speed ahead? While I know I can't evade going out on Halloween (my costume, after all, is a fabulous flamenco dancer)...I think I'm going to plan for a low key night on Saturday. After Halloween is put to bed for yet another year, I think I'm going to stay in and catch up on some R&R. A good book, some take-out, my comfy sweat pants...after go-go go, that sounds positively wonderful! image/ffffound


  1. Flamenco Dancer is a great costume! My aunt went as that one year and it was really cool. Sorry the Viking didn't work out. I am with you - Saturday morning I have a baby shower to go to, but the rest of the day I am resting and relaxing!

  2. Perfect idea! I just may have to do the very same thing tonight!
