Monday, August 25, 2008

My Favorite Things - #3

Chalkboard paint! Random, I know, but I love this stuff!!...I have a colleague who painted an entire wall of her modern kitchen with black chalkboard paint, a bold statement perhaps, but it eventually served as the blank canvas to her artistically inclined sons who were constantly using it to scrawl out their latest ideas.

Once I am a home owner, I am undoubtedly adding this creative furnishing to a functional space. Ideally the kitchen, I love the image below where the gazpacho recipe is ever-so-conveniently written in chalk above the stove. The chalkboard paint just adds a little character to a familiar space.


  1. I LOVE chalkboard paint!!! Maybe I should paint over the silver wall . . .

  2. I think I may actually do this for real...glad you brought it to my attention llt ;)

  3. Against the pink it's especially wonderful.

  4. We did the wall in my son's room - it's great - and his friends all love it (though I think their parents hate me because they go home and draw on their own 'painted' bedroom walls. Whoops! (

  5. chalk and chalkboards give me the willies.
